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Ana Martins

PhD Student

Ana Martins is a Phd candidate in Transportation Systems at the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. During her PhD she expects to design a peer-to-peer autonomous car-sharing (P2P ACS) framework in urban space, simulate it and assess the impact of this service in the transportation system. She decided to pursue a research career to develop the topic of shared autonomous vehicles as she believes it has the disruptive potential to impact travel behavior and contribute for sustainable cities. Ana is part of the MIT Portugal program and a member of CERIS research group.

Projects I'm involved in


Conferences (with procedia)

  1. Pedro Rodrigues, Ana Martins, Sofia Kalakou and Filipe Moura. Spatiotemporal Variation of Taxi Demand. 22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, September 2019. Transportation Research Procedia 47 (2020) 664–671.

  2. Ana Martins, Filipe Moura and Carlos Lima Azevedo. Um modelo de avaliação de sistemas de veículos autónomos partilhados: Peer-to-peer vs Fleet based systems. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.

  3. Pedro Rodrigues, Ana Martins, Sofia Kalakou and Filipe Moura. Previsão espaciotemporal da procura de táxis em Lisboa. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.


  1. Ana Martins, Filipe Moura and Carlos Lima Azevedo. Road safety in an uncertain technological future. 31st ICTCT Conference, Porto, October 2018.

PhD Thesis

  1. Ana Martins. Peer-to-peer Autonomous Car-Sharing: a system architecture and impact assessment for Lisbon. Supervisor: Filipe Moura (IST); Co-Supervisor: Carlos Lima Azevedo (DTU).
    December 2023