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Author: Miguel

Unraveling the relation between cycling accidents and built environment typologies: Capturing spatial heterogeneity through a latent class discrete outcome model

Miguel Costa, Carlos Lima Azevedo, Felix Wilhem Siebert, Manuel Marques, Filipe Moura. Unraveling the relation between cycling accidents and built environment typologies: Capturing spatial heterogeneity through a latent class discrete outcome model. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 200:107533, June 2024....
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Sociedade Civil

Ecovias e Ciclovias com Gabriel Valença As cidades estão cada vez mais preparadas para a circulação a duas rodas… de bicicletas claro! Ecovias e ciclovias ganharam espaço e investimento dos municípios. Falamos delas no Sociedade Civil. Cinco dias por semana, cinco temas de interesse com…...
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Research Project Streets4All Urban space is scarce and transport facilities use a significant amount (~20%) for roads, parking, and other uses. This space has been inequitably preferring motorized modes, in particular cars. Today, many cities target the UN's Sustainable Development Goals by favoring people-centric planning after decades of…...
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