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Author: Miguel

A Participative Bike Route Planner to Improve Adaptive Cycling Strategies in Cycling Starter Cities – typology of cyclists and cycling preferences in Lisbon

Jorge Baptista e Silva, Rosa Félix, Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves and Fernando Nunes da Silva. A Participative Bike Route Planner to Improve Adaptive Cycling Strategies in Cycling Starter Cities - typology of cyclists and cycling preferences in Lisbon. AESOP-ACSP Joint Congress, Dublin, Ireland, July 2013....
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What are Mixed e-Bike Sharing Systems?

Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori, Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves, Filipe Moura. What are Mixed e-Bike Sharing Systems?. XVI Congresso Ibérico “A Bicicleta e a Cidade” Para além da Mobilidade” - Mobilidade Inteligente, Mobilidade Sustentável, Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, Cascais, Portugal, May 2019....
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