Alexandre Gonçalves
Assistant Professor
Alexandre Gonçalves is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources of IST, where he teaches courses related with Geographical Information Systems, and a member of the CERIS’ Systems and Management research group. He holds a 5 year degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (1995), a MSc in GIS (1998), and a PhD in Territorial Engineering (2007). In his research at CERIS and IST he has multiple collaborations with other researchers in projects involving spatial data acquisition, geographical modelling, mapping and spatial analysis.
The areas where he collaborates in research range from heritage documentation and GIS based historical analysis, to territorial management and urban planning, spatial data for sustainable transportation studies and assessment of risk related to natural and built environment hazards. He has participated in various pedagogical international projects funded by the EU in the areas of Remote Sensing, GIS and Spatial Data Infrastructures, mainly in content development and training of trainers, in collaboration with several European and Middle East universities