Cristian Adorean
PhD Student
Cristian holds a bachelor’s degree in Territorial Planning and a master’s degree in Planning and Regional Development by the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He completed his academic skills with international mobility experiences at Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, University of Lisbon, as well as with participations in scientific projects as an active member of research centres based in Cluj-Napoca and Lisbon in the fields of territorial planning and urbanism.
He is currently a PhD Student in Urban Studies at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa & NOVA University of Lisbon and, additionally, he works in the transportation and mobility sector at VTM – Consultores em Engenharia e Planeamento, where he carries out urban and regional planning studies, transport planning studies, analysis and territorial diagnostics to support the decision-making process, territorial modelling, spatial analyses and geocomputing. His research interests are mainly centred on urban mobility, electric micromobility, transport planning, GIS, territorial planning, public space, and territorial identity.