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Filipe Moura

Associate Professor & Lab Head

Filipe Moura is an Associate Professor of Transportation Systems in the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. He is a member of the Research Group of “Transport Systems” of CERIS. His research expertise relates to Urban Mobility, in particular, travel behavior analysis, transport demand modelling, sustainable mobility (including social aspects of transportation), technology diffusion, and road traffic management. Currently, his research interests focus on active modes of transportation and their interaction with the built environment; and, on autonomy in urban mobility, both from the perspectives of behavior (i.e., learning to be autonomous in my mobility, particularly for children and youth) and of technology (i.e., new business models for autonomous vehicles). Filipe is a Fulbright Scholar.

Projects I'm involved in



  1. Miguel Costa, Manuel Marques, Carlos Lima Azevedo, Felix Wilhem Siebert, Filipe Moura. Which Cycling Environment Appears Safer? Learning Cycling Safety Perceptions From Pairwise Image Comparisons. IEEE Xplore, 3 Jan 2025.

  2. Rosa Félix, Filipe Moura, Robin Lovelace. Reproducible methods for modeling combined public transport and cycling trips and associated benefits: Evidence from the biclaR tool. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 117(2025):102230, April 2025.

  3. Mauricio Orozco-Fontalvo, André Soares Lopes, David Vale, Filipe Moura. IMPReSS: A comprehensive method to classify MaaS systems. Transport Policy, 155:234-241, July 2024

  4. Miguel Costa, Carlos Lima Azevedo, Felix Wilhem Siebert, Manuel Marques, Filipe Moura. Unraveling the relation between cycling accidents and built environment typologies: Capturing spatial heterogeneity through a latent class discrete outcome model. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 200:107533, June 2024.

  5. Mariza Motta Queiroz, Carlos Roque, Filipe Moura, João Marôco. Understanding the expectations of parents regarding their children’s school commuting by public transport using latent Dirichlet Allocation Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 181:103986, March 2024.

  6. Gabriel Valença, Filipe Moura, Ana Morais de Sá. Where is it complex to reallocate road space? Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, November 2023.

  7. Mauricio Orozco-Fontalvo, Filipe Moura. Refocusing MaaS approach: A brief. Transport Policy, 141:340-342, September 2023.

  8. Gabriel Valença, Filipe Moura, Ana Morais de Sá. Exploring criteria for reallocating road space dynamically: lessons from a workshop with experts. Journal of Urban Design, August 2023.

  9. André Soares Lopes, Mauricio Orozco-Fontalvo, Filipe Moura, David Vale. Mobility as a service and socio-territorial inequalities: A systematic literature review. The Journal of Transport and Land Use, 19:215-240, June 2023.

  10. Ana Filipa Reis, Patrícia Baptista, Filipe Moura. How to promote the environmental sustainability of shared e-scooters. Journal of Urban Mobility, 3:100044, December 2023.

  11. Rosa Félix, Mauricio Orozco-Fontalvo, Filipe Moura. Socio-economic assessment of shared e-scooters: do the benefits overcome the externalities?. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 118:103714, May 2023.

  12. Gabriel Valença, Filipe Moura, Ana Morais de Sá. How can we develop road space allocation solutions for smart cities using emerging information technologies? A review using text mining. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 3(1):100150, April 2023.

  13. Filipe Moura, Gabriel Valença, Rosa Félix, David Vale. The impact of public bike-sharing systems on mobility patterns: Generating or replacing trips?. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, January 2023.

  14. Miguel Costa, Rosa Félix, Manuel Marques, Filipe Moura. Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on the behavior change of cyclists in Lisbon, using multinomial logit regression analysis. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 14:100609, June 2022.

  15. Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori, Alexandre B. Gonçalves, Filipe Moura. A GIS-MCDM Method for Ranking Potential Station Locations in the Expansion of Bike-Sharing Systems. Axioms, 11(6), 263. May 2022.

  16. Miguel Costa, Manuel Marques, Carlos Roque, and Filipe Moura, CYCLANDS: Cycling geo-located accidents, their details and severities, Sci Data 9, 237, May 2022.

  17. Mateus Humberto, Filipe Moura, Mariana Giannotti. Incorporating children’s views and perceptions about urban mobility: Implementation of the “philosophy with children” inquiry approach with young children. Travel Behaviour and Society, 26:168-177, January 2022.

  18. Gabriel Valença, Filipe Moura, Ana Morais de Sá. Main challenges and opportunities to dynamic road space allocation: From static to dynamic urban designs. Journal of Urban Mobility, 1:100008, December 2021.

  19. Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori, Alexandre B. Gonçalves, Filipe Moura. A Systematic Review of Station Location Techniques for Bicycle-Sharing Systems Planning and Operation. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(8):554. 2021

  20. Miguel Costa, Manuel Marques, and Filipe Moura, A Circuity Temporal Analysis of Urban Street Networks Using Open Data: A Lisbon Case Study, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 10, no. 7, p. 453, Jul. 2021.

  21. Miguel Centeno Brito, Teresa Santos, Filipe Moura, David Pêra, Jorge Rocha. Urban Solar potential for vehicle integrated photovoltaics. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 94:102810, May 2021.

  22. Rita Rodrigues, Filipe Moura, Ana Bastos Silva, Álvaro Seco. The determinants of Portuguese preference for vehicle automation: A descriptive and explanatory study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 76:121-138, January 2021.

  23. Rosa Félix, Paulo Cambra and Filipe Moura. Build it and give ’em bikes, and they will come: the effects of cycling infrastructure and bike-sharing system in Lisbon. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 8(2):672-682, June 2020.

  24. Mariza Motta Queiroz, Carlos Roque and Filipe Moura. Shifting from Private to Public Transport using Duration-Based Modeling of a School-Based Intervention. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674(7):540-554, June 2020.

  25. Mateus Humberto, Bruna Pizzol, Filipe Moura, Mariana Giannotti, Marcos Paulo de Lucca-Silveira. Investigating the Mobility Capabilities and Functionings in Accessing Schools Through Walking: A Quantitative Assessment of Public and Private Schools in São Paulo (Brazil). Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 21(2):183-204, March 2020.

  26. Rosa Félix, Filipe Moura and Kelly J. Clifton. Maturing urban cycling: Comparing barriers and motivators to bicycle of cyclists and non-cyclists in Lisbon, Portugal. Journal of Transport & Health, 15: 100628, December 2019.

  27. Rosa Félix, Ricardo Sobral, Filipe Moura. Fleet sizing a university bike loan program: assessment of realistic and non-realistic users’ interest. OSF Preprints [Preprint]. December 2019.

  28. Paulo Cambra, Alexandre Gonçalves and Filipe Moura. The digital pedestrian network in complex urban contexts: A primer discussion on typological specifications. Finisterra, 54(110):155-170, May 2019

  29. Carlos Fernandes, Carlos Oliveira Cruz and Filipe Moura. Ex post evaluation of PPP government-led renegotiations: Impacts on the financing of road infrastructure. The Engineering Economist, 64(2):116-141, 2019.

  30. Mateus Humberto, Bruna Pizzol, Mariana Giannotti, Filipe Moura. O acesso das crianças às escolas em São Paulo Avaliação quantitativa de creches e pré-escolas com foco na mobilidade a pé. Revista dos Transportes Públicos, 41(3):55-60, December 2018.

  31. Ryan F. Allard and Filipe Moura. Effect of transport transfer quality on intercity passenger mode choice. Transportation research part A, 109:89-107, 2018.

  32. Heather Luclaire Jones, Filipe Moura and Tiago Domingos. Transportation Infrastructure Project Evaluation: Transforming CBA to Include a Life Cycle Perspective. 745-771. Springer, 2017.

  33. Filipe Moura, Joana Magalhães da Silva and Luis Picado Santos. Growing from incipient to potentially large cycle networks: screening the road network of the consolidated urban area of Lisbon. European Journal of Transport & Infrastructure Research, 17(1):170-190, 2017.

  34. Heather Jones, Filipe Moura and Tiago Domingos. Life cycle assessment of high-speed rail: a case study in Portugal. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment , 22(3):410-422, 2017.

  35. Filipe Moura, Paulo Cambra and Alexandre Gonçalves. Measuring walkability for distinct pedestrian groups with a participatory assessment method: A case study in Lisbon. Landscape and Urban Planning, 157:282-296, January 2017.

  36. Kelly Clifton and Filipe Moura. Conceptual Framework for Understanding Latent Demand: Accounting for Unrealized Activities and Travel. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 78-83, January 2017.

  37. Rosa Félix, Filipe Moura and Kelly J. Clifton. Typologies of Urban Cyclists: Review of Market Segmentation Methods for Planning Practice. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2662:125-133, January 2017.

  38. Luis Miguel Martinez, Gonçalo Correia, Filipe Moura and M. Mendes Lopes. Insights into car-sharing demand dynamics: outputs of an agent-based model application to Lisbon, Portugal. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 148-159, August 2016.

  39. Carlos Fernandes, Miguel Ferreira and Filipe Moura. PPPs – True Financial Costs and Hidden Returns. Transport Reviews, 36(2):207-227, 2016.

  40. J. P. Pritchard, Filipe Moura and João de Abreu e Silva. Incorporating social network data in mobility studies: Benefits and takeaways from an applied survey methodology. Case Studies in Transport Policy, 4(4):279-293, 2016.

  41. Ryan F. Allard and Filipe Moura. The Incorporation of Passenger Connectivity and Intermodal Considerations in Intercity Transport Planning. Transport Reviews, 36(2):251-277, 2016.

  42. Olga Petrik, João de Abreu e Silva and Filipe Moura. Stated preference surveys in transport demand modeling: disengagement of respondents. Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 8(1):13-25, 2016.

  43. Olga Petrik, Filipe Moura and João de Abreu e Silva. Measuring uncertainty in discrete choice travel demand forecasting models. Transportation Planning and Technology, 39(2):218-237, 2016.

  44. Marta Braz Silva and Filipe Moura. Electric vehicle diffusion in the Portuguese automobile market. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 10(2):49-64, January 2016.

  45. Carlos Roque, Filipe Moura and João Lourenço Cardoso. Detecting unforgiving roadside contributors through the severity analysis of ran-off-road crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 80:262-273, July 2015.

  46. João de Abreu e Silva, Filipe Moura, Bernardo Garcia and Rodrigo Vargas. Influential vectors in fuel consumption by an urban bus operator: Bus route, driver behavior or vehicle type?. Transportation Research Part D, 38:94-104, 2015.

  47. Sofia Kalakou, Voula Psaraki-Kalouptsidi and Filipe Moura. Future airport terminals: New technologies promise capacity gains. Journal of Air Transport Management, 42:203-212, 2015.

  48. Ryan F. Allard and Filipe Moura. Optimizing High-Speed Rail and Air Transport Intermodal Passenger Network Design. Transportation Research Record, 11-20, 2014.

  49. M. Mendes Lopes, Filipe Moura and Luis Miguel Martinez. A rule-based approach for determining the plausible universe of Electric Vehicle buyers in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. Transportation Research Part A, 59:22-36, January 2014.

  50. Sofia Kalakou and Filipe Moura. Bridging the Gap in Planning Indoor Pedestrian Facilities. Transport Reviews, 34(4):474-500, January 2014.

  51. Olga Petrik, João de Abreu e Silva and Filipe Moura. Impact of Distribution Choice for Representing Input Variation Analysis of Uncertainty in Travel Demand Simulation in Context of Information Shortage. Transportation Research Record, 40-48, 2013.

  52. Hal Turton and Filipe Moura. Vehicle-to-grid systems for sustainable development: An integrated energy analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, October 2008.

Conferences (with procedia)

  1. Ana Karina Christ, Miguel Costa, Manuel Marques, Carlos Roque, Filipe Moura. Perceiving objective cycling safety: a systematic literature review. Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Lisbon, November 2022. Transportation Research Procedia 72(2023):1380-1387.

  2. Freddy Nogueira, Filipe Moura, Ana Morais de Sá. The phase of experimentation in public spaces: the cases of Milan, Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro. Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Lisbon, November 2022. Transportation Research Procedia 72(2023):3419-3426.

  3. Mateus Humberto, Rosa Félix, Filipe Moura. How equal is accessibility to cycling infrastructure? A ranking to compare territories in Lisbon, Portugal. Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Lisbon, November 2022. Transportation Research Procedia 72(2023):2472-2478.

  4. Rosa Félix, Gabriel Valença, and Filipe Moura. O impacte de incentivos públicos à aquisição de bicicletas elétricas na adoção do modo ciclável – o caso de Lisboa. 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, July 2022.

  5. Miguel Costa, Manuel Marques, and Filipe Moura. Como é que as redes rodoviárias, pedonais e cicláveis mudam ao longo do tempo? Uma análise da rectilinearidade em Lisboa, Portugal. 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, July 2022.

  6. Mariza Motta Queiroz, Carlos Roque, and Filipe Moura. A avaliação da mudança do transporte privado para o público em comunidades escolares usando modelos de duração. 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, July 2022.

  7. Ana Karina Christ, Miguel Costa, Manuel Marques, Carlos Roque, and Filipe Moura. Percebendo a segurança objetiva dos ciclistas urbanos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, July 2022.

  8. Tomás Tavares, Rosa Félix, and Filipe Moura. O uso da microssimulação no apoio ao desenho de Redes Cicláveis – o caso da Av. de Roma, Lisboa. 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, July 2022.

  9. Gabriel Valença, Gabriel Stumpf, Cláudia Soares, Filipe Moura. Screening walkability violations through self-reported claims by smartphone detection: The case of Lisbon, Portugal. 24th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, Aveiro, Portugal, September 2021. Transportation Research Procedia 62 (2022) 648–655.

  10. Freddy Nogueira, Filipe Moura, Ana Sá. Tactical interventions to promote micromobility in suburban areas: a comparative analysis of existing methods. 13th Annual Conference on Planning Research – Planning for Human Scale Cities (2021)

  11. Mariza Motta Queiroz, Pedro Celeste and Filipe Moura. Matching users´ expectations in school public behavior: where are we in public transport?. 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 (canceled), Helsinki, Finland. April, 2020

  12. Miguel Costa, Paulo Cambra, Filipe Moura and Manuel Marques. WalkBot: A Portable System to Scan Sidewalks. IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, Casablanca, Morocco, October 2019

  13. Mariza Motta Queiroz, Pedro Celeste and Filipe Moura. School commuting: the influence of soft and hard factors to shift to public transport. 22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, September 2019. Transportation Research Procedia 47 (2020) 625–632.

  14. Pedro Rodrigues, Ana Martins, Sofia Kalakou and Filipe Moura. Spatiotemporal Variation of Taxi Demand. 22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, September 2019. Transportation Research Procedia 47 (2020) 664–671.

  15. Paulo Cambra, Miguel Costa, Manuel Marques and Filipe Moura. WalkBot – Desenvolvimento de um Equipamento de Avaliação da Qualidade da Infra-estrutura Pedonal com Recurso a Processamento de Imagem Tridimensional. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, Portugal, May 2019

  16. Angélica Magrini Rigo, Filipe Moura and Teresa V. Heitor. Avaliação das Condições de Caminhabilidade: Contribuições da Metodologia da Sintaxe Espacial. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.

  17. Mariza Motta Queiroz, Pedro Celeste and Filipe Moura. Influência das características sócio-demográficas e a distância à escola na procura latente do transporte público coletivo. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.

  18. Filipe Moura, Carlos Roque, and Mateus Humberto. Mudança para a mobilidade sustentável na infância: uma avaliação dos impactos das campanhas “a Serpente Papa-Léguas” nas escolas primárias portuguesas. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.

  19. Ana Martins, Filipe Moura and Carlos Lima Azevedo. Um modelo de avaliação de sistemas de veículos autónomos partilhados: Peer-to-peer vs Fleet based systems. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.

  20. Filipe Moura, Rosa Félix and Carlos Roque. Avaliação do impacte potencial do Programa U-Bike nos padrões de mobilidade da comunidade do Instituto Superior Técnico. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.

  21. Pedro Rodrigues, Ana Martins, Sofia Kalakou and Filipe Moura. Previsão espaciotemporal da procura de táxis em Lisboa. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.

  22. Rosa Félix, Filipe Moura and Kelly Clifton. Comparação de barreiras e motivadores para a adoção da bicicleta em Lisboa. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.

  23. Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori, Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves, Filipe Moura. Fatores Críticos na Operação de Sistemas de Bicicletas Partilhadas: Revisão do Estado da Arte. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.

  24. Mateus Humberto, Bruna Pizzol, Mariana Giannotti, and Filipe Moura. Investigating the mobility capabilities and functionings of children and their caregivers: a quantitative assessment of preschools in São Paulo (Brazil), with focus on walking and the right to the city. 2018 HDCA Annual Conference, Buenos Aires (Argentina), August 2018.

  25. Sofia Kalakou and Filipe Moura. Modelling passengers’ activity choice in airport terminal before the security checkpoint: The case of portela airport in Lisbon. 18th Euro Working Group on Transportation, EWGT 2015, 881-890, 2015.

  26. Sofia Kalakou, Filipe Moura and Vasco Medeiros. Analysis of airport configuration and passenger behaviour. SSS 2015 – 10th International Space Syntax Symposium, 2015.

  27. Heather Jones, Filipe Moura and Tiago Domingos. Transport infrastructure project evaluation using cost-benefit analysis. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 111:400-409, 2014.

  28. John P. Pritchard, Filipe Moura, João de Abreu e Silva and Luis M. Martinez. Spatial analysis of transportation-related social exclusion in the Lisbon metropolitan area. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 111:440-449, 2014.

  29. Filipe Moura and José Manuel Viegas. Car ‘organ-transplant’: anticipating energy and environmental benefits of cleaner technologies. ECEEE 2009 Summer Study, 1940, June 2010.


  1. Freddy Nogueira, Filipe Moura, Ana Morais de Sá. Micromobility Supported by Tactical Interventions: learning from and acting during contexts of disruption. 18th Meeting of the Transports Study Group (2022)

  2. Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori, Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves, Filipe Moura. What are Mixed e-Bike Sharing Systems?. XVI Congresso Ibérico “A Bicicleta e a Cidade” Para além da Mobilidade” – Mobilidade Inteligente, Mobilidade Sustentável, Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, Cascais, Portugal, May 2019.

  3. Ana Martins, Filipe Moura and Carlos Lima Azevedo. Road safety in an uncertain technological future. 31st ICTCT Conference, Porto, October 2018.

Book Chapters

  1. Rosa Félix and Filipe Moura (2020). Sistema de bicicletas partilhadas de Lisboa – GIRA. in: Andrade, V., De Castro, J. (Eds.), Bicicletas nas Cidades: Experiências de Compartilhamento, Diversidade e Tecnologia. Relicário, Rio de Janeiro. ISBN: 978-6586279023.

  2. Filipe Moura and Sofia Kalakou (2019). Active Modes and Sustainability. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (Eds) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 9783319710594.

  3. Filipe Moura and João de Abreu e Silva (2019). Smart Cities: Definitions, Evolution of the Concept and Examples of Initiatives. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (Eds) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 9783319710594.

  4. Heather Jones, Filipe Moura, and Tiago Domingos (2018) Transportation Infrastructure Project Evaluation: Transforming CBA to Include a Life Cycle Perspective. In: Leal Filho W. (Eds), Handbook of Sustainability Science and Research, pp. 745-771. World Sustainability Series. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 9783319630076.

  5. Olga Petrik, Filipe Moura, and João de Abreu e Silva (2014). The Influence of the Volume–Delay Function on Uncertainty Assessment for a Four-Step Model. In: de Sousa J., Rossi R. (Eds), Computer-based Modelling and Optimization in Transportation. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 262, pp. 293-306. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 9783319046303.