Rosa Félix
Posdoctoral Researcher
Rosa Félix is an urban cycling and pedestrian mobility researcher. With a master degree in Territory and Urban Planning Engineering by Instituto Superior Técnico, Rosa is a PhD in Transportation Systems in the MIT Portugal program. Since 2012 she has been working in cycling mobility, being that the subject of her MSc and PhD thesis. Rosa collaborated in the elaboration of the Bicycle Mobility Plan of the Municipality of Loulé, in the team for the integration of the EuroVelo Network in Portugal, and in several consultancy and research projects with municipalities and Transportation agencies.
Rosa is skilled in GIS and R softwares, and loves web mapping. Se developed the biclaR tool and is constantly developing new materials for teaching urban mobility with programming techniques.
Rosa organized the first Mobility Week of Instituto Superior Técnico, and was a Visiting Scholar in Portland State University in 2017/18. She actively collaborates with Cicloficina dos Anjos, a community bicycle shop, since its establishment.