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Rosa Félix

Posdoctoral Researcher

Rosa Félix is an urban cycling and pedestrian mobility researcher. With a master degree in Territory and Urban Planning Engineering by Instituto Superior Técnico, Rosa is a PhD in Transportation Systems in the MIT Portugal program. Since 2012 she has been working in cycling mobility, being that the subject of her MSc and PhD thesis. Rosa collaborated in the elaboration of the Bicycle Mobility Plan of the Municipality of Loulé, in the team for the integration of the EuroVelo Network in Portugal, and in several consultancy and research projects with municipalities and Transportation agencies.
Rosa is skilled in GIS and R softwares, and loves web mapping.  Se developed the biclaR tool and is constantly developing new materials for teaching urban mobility with programming techniques.
Rosa organized the first Mobility Week of Instituto Superior Técnico, and was a Visiting Scholar in Portland State University in 2017/18. She actively collaborates with Cicloficina dos Anjos, a community bicycle shop, since its establishment.

Projects I'm involved in



  1. Rosa Félix, Mauricio Orozco-Fontalvo, Filipe Moura. Socio-economic assessment of shared e-scooters: do the benefits overcome the externalities?. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 118:103714, May 2023.

  2. Filipe Moura, Gabriel Valença, Rosa Félix, David Vale. The impact of public bike-sharing systems on mobility patterns: Generating or replacing trips?. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, January 2023.

  3. Miguel Costa, Rosa Félix, Manuel Marques, Filipe Moura. Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on the behavior change of cyclists in Lisbon, using multinomial logit regression analysis. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 14:100609, June 2022.

  4. Rosa Félix, Paulo Cambra and Filipe Moura. Build it and give ’em bikes, and they will come: the effects of cycling infrastructure and bike-sharing system in Lisbon. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 8(2):672-682, June 2020.

  5. Rosa Félix, Filipe Moura and Kelly J. Clifton. Maturing urban cycling: Comparing barriers and motivators to bicycle of cyclists and non-cyclists in Lisbon, Portugal. Journal of Transport & Health, 15: 100628, December 2019.

  6. Rosa Félix, Ricardo Sobral, Filipe Moura. Fleet sizing a university bike loan program: assessment of realistic and non-realistic users’ interest. OSF Preprints [Preprint]. December 2019.

  7. Rosa Félix, Filipe Moura and Kelly J. Clifton. Typologies of Urban Cyclists: Review of Market Segmentation Methods for Planning Practice. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2662:125-133, January 2017.

Conferences (with procedia)

  1. Mateus Humberto, Rosa Félix, Filipe Moura. How equal is accessibility to cycling infrastructure? A ranking to compare territories in Lisbon, Portugal. Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Lisbon, November 2022. Transportation Research Procedia 72(2023):2472-2478.

  2. Robin Lovelace, Rosa Félix, Dustin Carlino. Exploring Jittering and Routing Options for Converting Origin-Destination Data Into Route Networks: Towards Accurate Estimates of Movement at the Street Level. Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G), Florence, August 2022.

  3. Rosa Félix, Gabriel Valença, and Filipe Moura. O impacte de incentivos públicos à aquisição de bicicletas elétricas na adoção do modo ciclável – o caso de Lisboa. 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, July 2022.

  4. Tomás Tavares, Rosa Félix, and Filipe Moura. O uso da microssimulação no apoio ao desenho de Redes Cicláveis – o caso da Av. de Roma, Lisboa. 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, July 2022.

  5. Filipe Moura, Rosa Félix and Carlos Roque. Avaliação do impacte potencial do Programa U-Bike nos padrões de mobilidade da comunidade do Instituto Superior Técnico. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.

  6. Rosa Félix, Filipe Moura and Kelly Clifton. Comparação de barreiras e motivadores para a adoção da bicicleta em Lisboa. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.

  7. Rosa Félix, Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves and Jorge Baptista e Silva. SIRCUL – Ferramenta interativa de planeamento de percursos para ciclistas e de apoio à gestão da mobilidade em Lisboa. Conferência Nacional de Geodecisão, Barreiro, May 2014.

  8. Jorge Baptista e Silva, Rosa Félix, Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves and Fernando Nunes da Silva. A Participative Bike Route Planner to Improve Adaptive Cycling Strategies in Cycling Starter Cities – typology of cyclists and cycling preferences in Lisbon. AESOP-ACSP Joint Congress, Dublin, Ireland, July 2013.

  9. Rosa Félix and Jorge Baptista e Silva. User’s needs and preferences for network cycling planning and management in the city of Lisbon, a Starter city. ICHC2013 – XXIVth International Cycling History Conference, Palácio Foz, Lisboa, May 2013.

  10. Tiago Mesquita Carvalho, Rosa Félix and Gonçalo Duarte Santos. The role of a community bicycle shop in cycling policies: the case of Lisbon. ICHC2013 – XXIV International Cycling History Conference, Palácio Foz, Lisboa, May 2013.


  1. Rosa Félix, Jorge Baptista e Silva and Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves. Conhecer os utilizadores para planear as infra-estruturas cicláveis em meio urbano. XI Congresso Ibérico “A Bicicleta e a Cidade” – Mobilidade Inteligente, Mobilidade Sustentável, Lisboa, May 2014.

  2. Rosa Félix, Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves and Jorge Baptista e Silva. A web and GIS-based tool (SIRCuL) for a better cycling network planning and mobility management – interfacing bicycle users data and local administration policies. CITTA 6th Annual Conference on Planning Research, Coimbra, May 2013.

Book Chapters

  1. Rosa Félix and Filipe Moura (2020). Sistema de bicicletas partilhadas de Lisboa – GIRA. in: Andrade, V., De Castro, J. (Eds.), Bicicletas nas Cidades: Experiências de Compartilhamento, Diversidade e Tecnologia. Relicário, Rio de Janeiro. ISBN: 978-6586279023.

  2. Rosa Félix (2013). Preface of A Gloriosa Bicicleta: Compêndio de costumes, emoções e desvarios em duas rodas. Alves, L., & Carvalho, P. Texto Editores, Lisbon, pp. 11–12. ISBN: 9789724746555.

PhD Thesis

  1. Rosa Félix. Barriers and motivators to bicycle in cities with low cycling maturity: Lisbon case study. Supervisor: Filipe Moura (IST); Co-Supervisor: Kelly Clifton (Portland State University).
    November 2019

MSc Thesis

  1. Rosa Félix. Gestão da Mobilidade em Bicicleta. Necessidades, factores de preferência e ferramentas de suporte ao planeamento e gestão de redes. O caso de Lisboa. MSc in Territorial Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2012. Supervisor: Jorge Batista e Silva; Co-Supervisor: Alexandre Gonçalves.