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Sadegh Bahadori

PhD Student

Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori is currently a PhD student at the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. He works on the topic of “Bike Sharing System (BSS)” with the support of a French company, Thales Group, to propose a new rebalancing algorithm for Lisbon’s BSS. Generally, his research interests focus on “Transportation safety”, “Environmental pollution”, and “Urban mobility”. 10 years of executive activity is part of his experience in building construction, traffic engineering, and environmental analyses projects. He received a master degree in civil engineering in the field of road and transportation, and also, he was a lecturer in some universities in Iran for 4 years.

Projects I'm involved in



  1. Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori, Alexandre B. Gonçalves, Filipe Moura. A GIS-MCDM Method for Ranking Potential Station Locations in the Expansion of Bike-Sharing Systems. Axioms, 11(6), 263. May 2022.

  2. Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori, Alexandre B. Gonçalves, Filipe Moura. A Systematic Review of Station Location Techniques for Bicycle-Sharing Systems Planning and Operation. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(8):554. 2021

  3. Gholam Ali Shafabakhsh, Afshin Famili, Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori. GIS-based spatial analysis of urban traffic accidents: Case study in Mashhad, Iran. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), 4(3), 290 -299, 2017.

Conferences (with procedia)

  1. Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori, Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves, Filipe Moura. Fatores Críticos na Operação de Sistemas de Bicicletas Partilhadas: Revisão do Estado da Arte. 9º Congresso Rodoviário Português, Lisboa, May 2019.


  1. Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori, Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves, Filipe Moura. What are Mixed e-Bike Sharing Systems?. XVI Congresso Ibérico “A Bicicleta e a Cidade” Para além da Mobilidade” – Mobilidade Inteligente, Mobilidade Sustentável, Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, Cascais, Portugal, May 2019.

  2. Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori and Afshin Famili. Clustering Analysis of Rural Traffic Accidents, Case study: Shahrud-Sabzevar Road, Iran. 2nd Doctoral Congress in Engineering, Porto, Portugal, June 8, 2017.

PhD Thesis

  1. Mohammad Sadegh Bahadori. Dynamic virtual bicycle-sharing system stations location framework – A GIS-MCDM approach. Supervisor: Filipe Moura (IST); Co-Supervisor: Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves(IST).
    December 2022