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Tomás Tavares


Tomás Tavares graduated from Civil Engineer student of the Instituto Superior Técnico in 2021.  His master’s thesis hadthe main goal of proposing a methodological procedure to design and evaluate cycling networks in urban  environments, resorting to network analysis (with the Propensity to Cycling Tool) and simulation (VISSIM/VISUM) tools.
Tomás Tavares loves extreme sports and since he was a little child he rides bicycle and so it’s really a pleasure to face this research challenge. 

Projects I'm involved in


Conferences (with procedia)

  1. Tomás Tavares, Rosa Félix, and Filipe Moura. O uso da microssimulação no apoio ao desenho de Redes Cicláveis – o caso da Av. de Roma, Lisboa. 10º Congresso Rodoferroviário Português, Lisboa, July 2022.

MSc Thesis

  1. Tomás Tavares. O uso da microssimulação no apoio ao desenho de redes cicláveis. O caso da Av. de Roma, Lisboa. MSc in Civil Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2021. Supervisor: Filipe Moura; Co-Supervisor: Rosa Félix.